NOME SANE? is an instrumental guitar trio with tricks up their sleeve. Also, they like people very much.

Teddy Kumpel - guitar, Bob Stander - bass and Matt Miller - drums


This song is about falling down the stairs, and getting back up. It's about how there are stumbling blocks in life and if you just delay the impulse a little it makes all the difference.


This song is about missing playing in a room together, and dancing weirdly in public with our friends


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NOME SANE? ‘the lost’

Brian Dunne - drums

Tony Scherr - bass and vocals

Andy Middleton - sax

Teddy Kumpel - guitar and vocals

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NOME SANE? - ‘nome sane?’

drums - Steven Wolf, Lee Finkelstein, Brian Dunne

bass - Tony Scherr

sax - Andy Middleton, Heinrich Von Kalnein

keys - Andy Ezrin, Greg Schleich

everything else - Teddy Kumpel

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visit the NOME SANE? zazzle store for some hot merch…

photo by Manish Gosalia